I guess this is quite a common concern we parents have in this modern world. I remember the good old days when our parents would assign the jobs/chores and we would get busy partly by performing them(~ 1% of the time ) and partly (or should I say mostly) busy in our daily fights, messing the house, reading a 100 comics in one day to beat our opponent and constantly on our feet. Parents would chase us and we had the most fun doing it over and over again. Life was fun with dreams, with possibilities, with imagination, with restrictions and limitations yet freedom to imagine and dream.
We hardly see that pattern these days, how often do we see kids reading books while in a car, while waiting at the airport or even waiting for their happy meal to arrive? How common is it to see a child staying home on a holiday and play sports (unstructured) or board games? How often do we see babies being entertained by their mothers with a song or a story? How much do we interact with our kids and spent some quality time without the electronic media? The answer is not many. The world is changing and so shall we to adapt to this new normal. As a millennial parent we are often faced with these challenges and without much help tend to make not so best choices. Despite all these we can find answers to our common challenges.
Yes!!! It is possible to find a way out of this. Here are some tips:
1. Try to engage with your child in their favorite electronic activities. This gives you an idea on content of the video game and understand your child’s likes/dislikes. This also gives some together time with you as a parent with your child and they feel more comfortable opening up to you.
2. Negotiate into spending some schedule media free times/zones in your house where everyone is off their smart phone/device and only involve in being physically active.
3. Have a family sport/activity. Being together with your children especially tweens/teens gives you an opportunity to share your experience as a parent and share tips as a friend. Remember that dictating terms/conditions will not be easily accepted as negotiation.
4. Encourage their interests in their favorite activity but let them earn it than demand it. Taking some time to listen to your child’s idea or perspective makes a huge impact on their minds. Even if you do not agree it helps to just patiently listen to their ideas and concepts. Teenage is the most vulnerable age and you would want your child to open to you first than to a stranger or a friend who may have little experience than you in dealing with the situation.
Remember it takes a village to raise a child and with millennial/nuclear families it gets challenging and stressful for a parent to do everything. No one understands your child better than you and if there is anyone who can move mountains to help your child …it is YOU…and it is important that your child realizes that as well.
Happy Parenting!!!
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